Guidance Department
The Guidance Department is provided to help each student in his/her social, educational, personal and vocational development. The counselors are in the office during the school day and are eager to talk with you regarding any problem you may have.
Guidance Department Staff
Mr. Darin Landers - School Counselor A-G
Contact Darin Landers
Ms. Natasha Lowery - School Counselor H-P
Contact Natasha Lowery
Ms. Yessenia Perez - School Counselor Q-Z
Contact Yessenia Perez
Mrs. Letita Benson-Heeter - Registrar
Parents - Contact Your Child's Guidance Counselor...
- When you are concerned or have questions about your student's academic or personal development.
- To sign up for a workshop or volunteer your time.
Please call (317) 964-6200 to set up an appointment with your child's guidance counselor.
How Do I See The Counselor
Students may stop by the Guidance Office to make an appointment with his/her counselor. If you have an emergency, the counselor will see you immediately. On occasion, your counselor may send for you during class.
Parents, please remember to enroll your child, if eligible, in the 21st Century Scholars Program. Visit our 21st Century Scholar page or call 1-888-528-4719.
Guidance Service
- New Student Registration
- Developing Academic Schedules
- Parent Conference
- Mid-West Talent Search
- 21st Century Scholars Program
- Bridging to Belzer
- Belzer Success Camp
- ISTEP/Acuity Testing
- 504 Referrals
- RTI Referral Process
- Individual/Group Counseling
- Behavioral Consultation
- Peer Facilitator Program with Lawrence Central High School
- Partnership with Gallahue Mental Health-Referral Program
- Belzer Food and Clothing Pantry
- Career Week
- Project Lead the Way
- High School Placement with Lawrence Central Counselors
- Interims/Report cards
- McKenzie Center Tour for 8th Grade Students
- 8th Grade Celebration
- Graduation Plans
- Classroom Guidance Presentations
- Student Ambassador Program